My current series, Burn, comes from living in the west during 2020. It was constant fires, air quality so awful going outside was prohibited and, due to COVID-19, the only indoor escape was my own home. Climate change wasn’t an abstract concept anymore, it was my ash-covered patio in Denver. Experience became my focus, and so I collected images of the fires, the evacuations, the destruction, but also, happily, old burn areas and their re-growth and renewal. This series is about the world today — it’s mostly on fire, but there is still good to be found.

Ann Morgan, Burn Series, Burn I, Oil and Graphite on Canvas, 60

Burn I, Oil and Graphite on Canvas, 60″ x 120″

Burn I, detail

Burn I, detail

After Burn, Oil and Graphite on Canvas, 72″ x 96″

After Burn, detail

After Burn, detail

Thaw, Oil and Graphite on Canvas, 12″ x 12″